Woom loves bicycles and happy kids!


The Woom adventure began with the search for the perfect bicycles for their own children. They wanted to find out what is required to create the best bicycles for kids. They wanted to build bicycles that inspire both the kids and the parents. 

The following six incredibly challenging years that confronted the world of children's bikes with constant questions, experiments, and changes. This resulted in the woom-models for children between the ages of 1 1/2 and 14. 85% of Woom's bicycle parts are individually designed and produced exclusively for Woom, customized to the needs of small anatomies. 

Weight is also a determinating factor when it comes to having fun on a bike. Through Woom's continuous development work, they have succeeded in making Woom bicycles 40% lighter than regular children's bikes, which makes their bikes some of the lightest ones on the marked. 

Woom-eventyret begynte med søket etter den perfekte sykkelen til sine egne barn. De ville finne ut av hva som må til for å skape den beste barnesykkelen og ønsket å bygge sykler som inspirerer både barn og foreldre. 

Det som fulgte var seks utrolige og utfordrende år som konfronterte en verden av barnesykler gjennom konstante spørsmål, eksperimentering og endring av ting direkte på sykkelen. Resultatet er woom-modeller for barn mellom halvannet og fjorten år. 
85% av woom syklenes deler er individuelt designet og produsert eksklusivt for woom, tilpasset behovene til små anatomier.

Vekt er også en avgjørende faktor når det gjelder å ha det gøy på sykkelen. Gjennom woom sitt stadige utviklingsarbeid har de lykkes med å bygge woom sykler 40% lettere enn vanlige barne sykler, noe som gjør de til noen av de letteste barnesyklene i markedet!

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Woom makes it fun and easy to bike

  • 40% lighter than regular children's bicycles and the lightest bicycle line on the marked. 
  • Created with children's needs in mind and designed with passion. 
  • Individual and super light -  adjusted to the needs of small anatomies. 
  • Results in quicker development due to the bicycles growing step by step together with the child's abilities. 

Woom lager superlette og solide sykler for barn i alderen 1 1/2 til 14 år. Hver eneste detalj på sykkelen er konsekvent gjennomtenkt, noe som gir en trygg og god opplevelse når barna skal ut å oppleve verden fra sykkelsetet.

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The super light and award-winning kids' bike


Woom makes super light and solid bicycles for children ages 11/2 to 14. Every single detail on the bike has been thoroughly thought out, which provides a safe and fun experience when children go out on their bikes to experience the world.

Woom Originals

en modellrekke med superlette barnesykler for de mellom halvannet og fjorten år. Modeller med korrekt geometri, komponenter og vekt tilpasset små lette syklister. 85% av Woom syklenes deler er individuelt designet og produsert eksklusivt for Woom og tilpasset behovene til små anatomier.

Woom Now

Den urbane livsstilssykkelen – vår revolusjonerende sykkel med smarte funksjoner og et stilig utseende for syklister fra seks år og oppover.

Woom Off & Off Air

Kapable terrengsykler tilpasset barnas anatomi, vekt og behov. Resultatet er meget lette terrengsykler til barn som ønsker å bevege seg inn terrengsyklingens verden, eller utforske landets voksende utvalg av sykkeldestinasjoner.

Woom Up

Moro-boosteren – vår superlette premium e-terrengsykkel med et barnevennlig drivsystem for syklister fra syv år og oppover.

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Children's bicycles customized to children's development


Nitro Snowboarding


Lidenskapen for å utvikle gode produkter, står i dag sterkere hos Nitro enn noen gang. Vi kan med stor sikkerhet si at Nitro gjennom tre tiår har forankret sin posisjon i markedet, og er i dag en av de fremste og mest respekterte produsentene i bransjen. Ledende innen både produktutvikling, utvalg, bærekraft og kvalitet.

Da Nitro startet, for over 30 år siden, var det ingen ‘masterplan’ eller langsiktig tankegang. Ei heller kan vi si at det fantes snowboard slik vi kjenner det i dag. Det var kun lidenskap, lysten til å surfe på snøen, og skapertrang.

Mye Snø har falt siden, og snowboard har utviklet seg fra å være en bakgårdsaktivitet for de spesielt interesserte, til å bli en respektert OL-gren som har generert noen av de beste seertallene innen vinteridrett.



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  • Gjensidig respekt
  • Felleskap
  • Familie


Kjerneverdiene gjensidig respekt, felleskap og familie er noe som står solid forankret på tvers av Nitros organisasjon – og familien består i dag av et verdensomspennende nettverk som omfatter alt fra verdensmestre og olympiere, til lokale helter og kunder, distributører og butikkansatte.

Nitro er stolte av å støtte ett bredt utvalg av kjørere, hvor mange har vært der hele sin karriere. De er ikke bare markedsføringsobjekter, men en uunnværlig kilde til inspirasjon og feedback.

This is Nitro!


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To be and to do better


Snowboard, som så mye annet, er ikke bærekraftig. Men, sammen med mange andre i snowboardsamfunnet gjør Nitro de riktige stegene for en faktisk endring, og ikke kun en form for «grønnvasking».


Nitro bryr seg om miljøet, og det sosiale ansvaret som følger av alle ledd i produksjonen. Fra en Bo-der-du-jobber strategi, fabrikkene, materialene, produksjonsprosessene til frakt-strategi. Alle de små tingene som vil gjøre en faktisk forskjell.

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100% Klimanøytrale


Nitro produserer 100% klimanøytrale snowboard – sammen med ClimatePartner har Nitro klart å ettergå alle utslipp fra sine snowboards livsløp og fra 2021 er de offisielt karbon nøytrale.

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ARMADA - What skiing will become


ARMADA er ett skimerke fra California som ble startet i 2002 av de aller beste twintip atletene som ønsket i vesentlig større grad å påvirke HVORDAN og HVILKE ski produkter som skal designes for at de skal kunne utvikle sin sport.

Alt fra hvilke åpenbare valg av parameter slik som hvilket midjemål, hvilke lengdevarianter per modell, hvilken type rocker i skien, hvilke kombinasjoner av forskjellige tresorter i kjernen og skal vi bruke carbonmesh for avstiving i både fram og bakski osv.

De har f.eks. produsert Phil Casabon sin promodell som hovedsakelig brukes kun til urban skikjøring, det er en ski uten stålkanter (B-Dog Edgeless) som er MEGET myk i fleks og som dermed er godt egnet til railing på rekkverk, gjerder, installasjoner, betongvegger osv.

En annen skimodel som ble produsert KUN for heliskiing i bunnløs pudder (ARG II) med ett midjemål på 133mm og en svingradius på HELE 50 meter med en konveks såle og kontaktflate på 54cm av total lengde på 187cm så er 70% av skien uten kontakt med underlaget i en preparert løype – mao utformet som en gyngestol som igjen gir maks løft i dyp puddersnø og en reversert innsving som betyr at det bredeste punktet på skien er midt under skien – motsetning til det som at vanlig at det er det smaleste punktet på skien er midt under foten.

ARMADA lager ski for fremtidens skikjørere uansett hvilken kategori: «ARMADA. What skiing will become.»

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Utfordrer industristandarden


Alle Armada ski er bygget i de Østerrikske alper på Amer - verdens mest avanserte skifabrikk.

Amer tilbyr ski produsert i helt unike former og med helt unike funksjoner (f.eks. Smear Tech) til bruk for freestyle, frikjøring, allround, topptur osv. med ett kreativt og distinkt design på høy kvalitetsprodukter med bunnsolid holdbarhet.

Skiene er testet og utviklet av de aller beste atletene innen sin sport. Årsaken til Armada sin eksistens er for å best mulig serve våre idrettsutøvere og utfordre industristandarder rett fra våre idrettsutøvere og interne team er vi glade for å bringe disse ideene og erfaringene til et bredere publikum.

Dette ER Armada


Freeskiing - en ny gren innen alpinsporten


De tradisjonelle skiselskapenes merkeidentitet var solid forankret opp mot alpinracingen med startnummer og kondomdrakter. Freeskiing var en ny gren innen alpinsporten som distanserte seg vekk fra all tradisjonell alpinsport- felleskapet var mye nærere og sterkere til friheten man fant innen sportene snowboard, skateboard og surfing. Det var en felles oppfatning blant den nye generasjonen av skikjørere og den progresjonen som de tilførte sporten også skulle gjengis i merkevarene. Tiden var kommet for en merkevare som gjorde akkurat det.

I sentrum av skievolusjonen var JP Auclair, Tanner Hall, JF Cusson, Julien Regnier og Boyd Easley alle fra ulike fjellområder over hele USA, Canada og Europa som sammen med sportsfotograf Chris OConnell slo seg sammen å dannet ARMADA. Denne gjengen var perfekt satt sammen med en team-basert organisering på modellen av hva store kjente snowboard og skateboardselskap er strukturert. Chris O`Connell skrev en forretningsplan som lyder som følgende: "Armada. What skiing Will Become. " W.S.W.B.

Med de beste og mest progressive skikjørerne innenfor frikjøring og jibbing på plass i skuta som både utøvere, produktutviklere og eiere tok det ikke lang tid å få investorer på plass, skuta satte sin seil, ARMADA var sjødyktig. I november 2002 flyttet driften fra en kjeller i ett hjemmekontor i Truckee California til sin egen bygning i Costa Mesa (ref bilde over), strandbyen I California hvor alle de største merkene innen skate og surf har sine hovedkvarter.

Skikjørerne forble ved roret av selskapet og dannet sammen med delgrunnlegger og den første teammanageren; Eric Iberg sammen med delgrunnlegger Hans Smith driftet ARMADA, Tyson Hall, broren til skilegenden og medgrunnlegger Tanner Hall ble hentet inn som salgsansvarlig. ARMADA´s hær var etablert både bak kontorpulten og på fjellet, slik ble det første uavhengige utøvereide og utøverdrevet skimerke etablert.

Nå 15 år senere er ikke ARMADA lenger kun en fjern drøm om hvordan ett skimerke bør være, i dag er vi distribuert globalt i over 40 land og er en evig pådriver til utvikling i forkant av utviklingen av skisporten. Armada sitt ensidige fokus på at produktet alltid skal tilfredsstille behovene til våre profesjonell utøvere som VET hva som fungerer. PFHB.

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The Volcom Family!


For 30 years, Volcom has supplied outerwear and streetwear and culture such as film and music. From wetsuits to jeans, from bikinis to high-end GoreTex® clothing for the harshest climates. For those who are hunting the perfect wave, or for those who are hunting untouched loose snow on high snow-covered mountain peaks or just want to go out cruising with the gang. What they have in common is the pursuit of passion! - True to This


Volcom’s core values are community, belonging, inclusion and family. They are focused around everyone’s common pursuit or passion - The Volcom family consists of distributors, employees, team drivers, ambassadors, partners, customers and retailers. The Volcom Family!

Volcom x Marcus Kleveland

Volcom Norwegian Volcom family consists of:

  • Marcus Kleveland
  • Torgeir Bergrem

And international top riders and icons such as:

  • Arthur Longo
  • Bryan Iguchi
  • Jamie Lynn
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From technical outerwear to streetwear

  • EcoTrue
  • Gore-Tex®
  • GPT - Guide Proven Technology
  • Zip-tech


  • EcoTrue
    A continued process for a cleaner planet.
    Read more on Volcom.com
  • Gore-tex Gore-Tex®
    The ultimate best in function and protection from the elements. 
    Read more on Volcom.com
  • GPT – Guide Proven Technology
    Developed in partnership with the guides of Baldface Lodge in Canada.
  • Zip-tech
    A patented solution for keeping you dry and warm.
    Read more on Volcom.com

Volcom Outerwear:


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Volcom water aware

  • Increased use of recycled material
  • Responsible production
  • Bettered material sourcing
  • Water-saving production methods
  • Traceable resources - organic cotton

Volcom's journey towards a new future began over 12 years ago and is a continuous process for turning sustainability obligations into actions, and gaining awareness of how it affects the environment.  

Volcom Water Aware

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The History


California - 1991

Volcom is established as a clothing brand that gets its inspiration from the surf/skate and snowboard culture that arose in the early nineties.


For over 30 years, Volcom has delivered technical apparel and streetwear, inspired by board sports, but also other similar cultural areas such as film, art, and music. From functional GoreTex for demanding winter conditions in Alaska to surf shorts on Bali and cycling in Utah. Volcom has products that cover the needs of most outdoor activities.

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  • Norwegian brand founded in 2016
  • Battery-controlled heated clothing
  • Optimised for European conditions


The idea of ​​battery-powered heating garments has long been a dream. In 2016, the desire to design own hiking gear, which both look good and fit the European conditions, became a reality. The Heat Experience team comprises a small group of enthusiastic outdoor people who have spent much time outdoors in cold surroundings.

Heat Experience is a Norwegian brand that carries high-quality heated products sold in Norway and all over Europe.

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  • Interlayer and outerwear with built-in battery heat.
  • Gloves, soles, vests, sweaters, jackets, and sitpads.


Heat Experience makes functional mid-layer and outer garments with built-in battery heating. All products are well thought out with functional solutions, fit, and designed for the intended area of ​​use and activity.

Heat Experience has struck a nerve with an extensive group. We humans like comfort. Spending time in cold weather is a big part of living in the north; we are active, love to go to the mountains and forest, support sports events, or go for short walks in the local area in varied weather. With built-in warmth in our gloves, soles, vests, sweaters, or seat pads, these activities become more comfortable and enduring, enabling us to double up on positive experiences.

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  • Up to 5 hours of heating time.
  • Three heat levels.
  • Strategic placement of the heating wires.
  • Easy to use, great fit and design.
  • Delivered complete with battery and charger.



The Heated Oslo Coat from the HeatX™ series offers the perfect blend of style and functionality for any occasion. With its smart heating function and adjustable features, this coat ensures you stay comfortably warm whether you're commuting to work, exploring the city, or enjoying a weekend outdoors.

The Heated Oslo Coat is designed with versatility in mind, making it an ideal choice for any situation. With four manual heating levels that can be easily adjusted via button or app, this coat allows you to customize the temperature to suit your needs, no matter where you are. The strategically placed heating zones on the chest and lower back ensure you stay warm in the areas that benefit you most. The Oslo Coat features waterproof and breathable fabric, making it just as practical on rainy days as on chilly evenings. Its sleek design, with an adjustable hood and reflective details, makes it suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions, whether you're heading out into nature or enjoying a night out in the city. Whatever your day holds, the Heated Oslo Coat ensures you're always prepared and comfortable.

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  • Norwegian brand founded in 2016
  • Battery-controlled heated clothing
  • Optimised for European conditions


The idea of ​​battery-powered heating garments has long been a dream. In 2016, the desire to design own hiking gear, which both look good and fit the European conditions, became a reality. The Heat Experience team comprises a small group of enthusiastic outdoor people who have spent much time outdoors in cold surroundings.

Heat Experience is a Norwegian brand that carries high-quality heated products sold in Norway and all over Europe.

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  • Interlayer and outerwear with built-in battery heat.
  • Gloves, soles, vests, sweaters, jackets, and sitpads.


Heat Experience makes functional mid-layer and outer garments with built-in battery heating. All products are well thought out with functional solutions, fit, and designed for the intended area of ​​use and activity.

Heat Experience has struck a nerve with an extensive group. We humans like comfort. Spending time in cold weather is a big part of living in the north; we are active, love to go to the mountains and forest, support sports events, or go for short walks in the local area in varied weather. With built-in warmth in our gloves, soles, vests, sweaters, or seat pads, these activities become more comfortable and enduring, enabling us to double up on positive experiences.

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  • Up to 5 hours of heating time.
  • Three heat levels.
  • Strategic placement of the heating wires.
  • Easy to use, great fit and design.
  • Delivered complete with battery and charger.



The Heated Oslo Coat from the HeatX™ series offers the perfect blend of style and functionality for any occasion. With its smart heating function and adjustable features, this coat ensures you stay comfortably warm whether you're commuting to work, exploring the city, or enjoying a weekend outdoors.

The Heated Oslo Coat is designed with versatility in mind, making it an ideal choice for any situation. With four manual heating levels that can be easily adjusted via button or app, this coat allows you to customize the temperature to suit your needs, no matter where you are. The strategically placed heating zones on the chest and lower back ensure you stay warm in the areas that benefit you most. The Oslo Coat features waterproof and breathable fabric, making it just as practical on rainy days as on chilly evenings. Its sleek design, with an adjustable hood and reflective details, makes it suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions, whether you're heading out into nature or enjoying a night out in the city. Whatever your day holds, the Heated Oslo Coat ensures you're always prepared and comfortable.

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This is Goal Zero

  • The most innovative solar product on the market.
  • Passion for adventure.
  • Respect for the planet.


Goal Zero isn’t just a company, it’s a business created by people who live life to the fullest. Inspired by passion for adventure, respect for the planet, and a humanitarian heart - we take both our work and our play seriously and are proud to provide the most innovative solar products on the market.


To empower people with a bright, safe, connected, and sustainable future by delivering smart, portable power solutions designed for everyone, everywhere.

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  • Portable power.
  • Solar.
  • Lighting.


Portable power:

From weekend camping trips to coffee shops and airports, our line of portable power packs keep your gear charged and ready for whatever comes next.



Whether you're charging a phone or refueling a power pack, our portable line of monocrystalline solar panels are rugged, reliable, and easy to use. Harness the sun to power your life.



Bright, long-lasting lights for use indoors and out. Our lights are designed to fit in any pack and still brighten up any situation.

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The Goal Zero Difference

  • Broadest Ecosystem.
  • Best-in-class service.
  • Premium design and experienc.
  • We give back.
  • Built to last.
  • Safety first.




Power stations, solar panels, home and vehicle integration kits, expansion tanks and lighting. No one has a more robust portfolio of products.



Our U.S.-based, onsite Service Team provides the highest levels of technical and customer support.



From power stations with aluminum chassis to plug-and-play cables for our products, everything is integrated for simple use with our mobile app, from anywhere in the world.



We’ve prioritzed disaster relief, community empowerment, and humanitarian missions for over 12 years.



No flimsy plastic casings here. Our best-selling metal power stations are designed to withstand the test of time.



Our power stations are designed with 5 Levels of Safety and include only Tier 1 batteries. A two-layer construction protects from overvoltage and short-circuiting.

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How we affect our world


Giving back is in our DNA. Since our inception over 14 years ago, our social and environmental impact has been the guiding force in how we do business.

For more information on Goal Zero's environmental & Social impact strategies:




In 2018 Pale Blue realized that advances in technology could enable a better way for customers to meet their battery needs without creating unnecessary waste. The advent of the ‘lithium ion age’ and the advancement of battery management technologies make for high performing, convenient, reliable and user friendly rechargeable batteries. Pale Blue believe that improvements in all these areas are enough to convert a lot of single battery users to finally make the step to ditch disposables.


  • Pale Plue Lithium cell charges up to 5x faster than traditional rechargeable batteries
  • 1,5V give you the same as old none rechargeable batteries
  • Pale Blue are 40% lighter than traditional alkaline batteries


  • 1000+ charging cycles means 1000 fewer disposable batteries
  • Guarantees 80% capacity after 1000 charges
  • No need to buy new ones, no use and throw the old away. Single use cannot be the future


  • Charge up to 4 batteries at once with micro-usb charging port & 4-to-1 cable
  • No big charging station just some small cables that charge 4 batteries at the same time
  • Bulit-in LED chargin indicator that let you know when batteries are fully charged

Apparel and equipment for MTB and Downhill

  • Protective clothing for MTB/enduro/trail cyclists.
  • iXS offers half helmets and full face helmets, protection for chest, back, knee, elbow, hip and calf.

iXS offer half-helmets and full face helmets, and protective gear for the chest, back, knees, elbows, hips, and legs. This is inclusive, high-level clothing for all kinds of use. Whether you are a creative, and passionate MTB/enduro/trail cyclist, or an everyday bike-to-work-cyclist that can handle the daily challenges of weather and conditions, all year round. 

iXS has got you covered. When you sit down on your bicycle at the top of a mountain scouting your line, when you are building your own dirt jumps in the garden, or when you have gathered your entire friend group to thoroughly document today's laps. We have all the iXs protective clothing you could ever need in-store at our warehouse. 

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Apparel and protection for all types of cyclists


iXs develops high-quality cycling clothes and equipment for everyone - no matter what type of cyclist you are. Whether you are cycling off-road, you're about to dive down the B-rage course in Trysil bikepark, or speed off along the road on your newly purchased e-bike.

Innovative and test-winning products since 1979


iXS has been working with clothing and protection for motorcyclists since 1979.In the bicycle segment you’ll find clothing collections with all the finesse you could possibly wish for. Test-winning helmets and safety equipment for all ages and all types of action on the bicycle seat. iXs has proven their responsibility and has a clear philosophy of contributing to innovative and sustainable growth in the industry, by showing their commitment and undertaking action.

All the protective gear a cyclist could ever want


iXS bike-helmets:

iXS cycling clothes:

iXS cycling protection:


Innovativ markedsleder


Haibike - Tysk produsent av sportslige elsykler for by- og terrengbruk med fokus på funksjon og kvalitet.

Haibike er et av de «originale» elsykkelmerkene og har produsert elsykler lengre enn de fleste, og var også først ute med en elsykkel for terrenget (Ref; Haibike eQ Xduro).
Haibike stiller store krav til kvalitet og funksjon, noe som gir brukeren en god opplevelse og en driftsikker elsykkel med både det nyeste innen teknologi og design.


En verden av muligheter

  • Haibike vil i 2025 ha 30 års erfaring med å utvikle sykler til forskjellige behov, og elsykkel siden 2010.
  • Tysk ingeniørkunst paret med utrettelig oppfinnsomhet.
  • Presenterte den første elektriske terrengsykkel (EMTB) for markedet i 2010.
  • Presenterte den første elektriske endurosykkel (EENDURO) for markedet i 2013.
  • Intube batteri inegrasjon i 2017.
  • Hovedsponor e-bike world tour 2020.
  • "E-MTB of the year" User Award 2023.

Sykkel handler om frihet, mot, pasjon og oppdagelse. Haibike ønsker å drive mennesker til å utforske og utvide sine grenser, både oppover og nedover, dag og natt. Uavhengig av sykkelpreferanse eller ferdighetsnivå finns det en Haibike for deg!

Fra det første Intube batterikonseptet til det første komplette elsykkelsystem, står Haibike for innovasjon og kraft.

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Team Haibike

  • Tom Öhler - trail/emtb
  • Yannick Granieri - dh-legende
  • Rob Williams - Racing
  • Alia Marcellini - Racing
  • Anna Spielmann - Racing
  • Tom Cardy - Dirt/emtb
  • Andrea Garibbo - Racing, 2. plass enduro vm 2024,

Rollemodeller for en ny era. Unike personer, med unike historier. Fremragende, modige og inspirerende.

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  • Haibike ble opprettet i 1995 i Schweinfurt.
  • 2010 – Haibike presenterer forfaren til alle eMTBs – modellen Haibike eQ. Fire modeller blir presentert på Eurobike. En hardtail, en fulldemper, en Crossmodell og en Trekkingmodell. Etterspørselen overgår raskt tilbudet, og alle fire modeller blir utsolgt i løpet av kort tid. Ett vendepunkt i Haibike’s historie.
  • Haibike mottar iF Design Award for XDURO RX i 2011.
  • I 2012 sykler Maximilian Semsch Australia rundt på standardmodellen Haibike Trekking.
  • Første all-mountain elsykkel presenteres i 2012
  • Haibike tar sølv under OL i 2012 med Sabine Spitz
  • Integrert batteri og motor i 2014
  • Lanserer den første eDownhillsykkelen i 2015
  • Lanserer eConnect – integrert GPS med anti tyveri, sykkel lokalisering, logg og turdata. Alt via en app på telefonen.
  • Display integreres i styrefremspringet for bedre beskyttelse
  • 2017 - Introduserer Modular Rail System og Intube batteri kontseptet

HYPERICE - Do what you love. More.

  • Do what you love more.
  • Recover so that you can continue.
  • Move Better, Feel Great – And keep doing


Hyperice is here to keeping you doing the things that you love. To keep you moving the way you want to when you want to. Hyperice is not about taking it easy. It is about recovering to keep going. To keep pushing you and the world forward. And there is no point in waiting.

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Treat stiff muscles and gain increased mobility so that you can perform to the max and get even more out of your training.

Hypervolt: Massage to relieve tension and stiffness.
Normatec: Dynamic air compression for faster recovery.
Venom: Heated massage to relieve stiffness and soreness.
Vyper: Prime your body and get your muscles activated.
Hypersphere: Pinpoint tension areas to release pressure.
Hyperice: Ice your muscles to reduce inflammation and pain.

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Hyperice Athletes


The list of athletes using Hyperice warm-up and recovery products goes on. Here are some of the world’s greatest in their sports use Hypervolt, Hypersphere, Vyper 2.0 and Venom.



There is an app for that


Download the Hyperice app here:

Appstore - Google Play

Hit all the right muscles and master the timing and intensity of your sessions with guided routines in the Hyperice app. Hypervolt helps you move better and do more - at work or at home, at the gym or the forest trail where you run. There is a reason why professionals are professionals. They know how to treat the body and so should you.


GT has bikes for everyone!

  • Founded in California in 1972.
  • Designs and build their own frames.
  • For anyone regardless of skill and level.
  • One of the original MTB brands.

GT bicycles was founded in 1972, and today more than 50 years later, remains true to its roots in BMX and mountain biking. GT began by producing its own frames, when it proved difficult to find good enough products on the market. Since the early beginnings in 1972, GT Bicycles has supplied quality products at favourable prices, with a wide range of quality bikes for children and adults and has become a household name.


GT develops bikes that can be used by everyone regardless of skill and level. Whether you are a first-time buyer or for the more experience rider. 

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Triple Trianlge & Floating Seatstay


GT's unique Triple Triangle frame design absorbs noise, provides more comfort and better working frame. This has been developed further with the Floating Seatstay that you'll find on the GT Grade and MTB series.

GT Force Pro


In the autumn of 2021 GT launched their new FORCE PRO. A bike that brings Enduro and Gravity to the next level and setting the bar for the future of mtb and gravity riding.


50 Years of good times!


GT is knows for its BMX and MTB bikes. It all started in 1972 in California and the first BMX frames were welded together in Gary Turner’s garage.

GT had a mission and that was to push cycling, and develop the most innovative bike on the market. From being the market leader in BMX, they started the development of the MTB and their unique “Triple Triangle” frame. The unique frame design really se the standard in the cycling world, and has helped develop the MTB segment to what it is today. GT is known for making bikes with excellent geometry that provide great response and comfort, with the main focus on BMX, MTB, and Gravel.

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Laget AV foreldre, TIL foreldre


Babboe Cargo Bikes er Nederlands største transportsykkelmerke - laget AV foreldre, TIL foreldre.

I 2005 begynte en gruppe foreldre å lete etter den ideelle lastesykkelen i Nederland. Det så ut til at den ideelle lastesykkelen ennå ikke var laget på det tidspunktet, dette var begynnelsen på Babboe lastesykkel.

I samarbeid med et ingeniørfirma la disse foreldrene planer om å utvikle en kvalitativ og rimelig lastesykkel. Men hva er en rimelig pris og hva anser andre foreldre som en god lastesykkel?

To år senere var Babboe Big tilgjengelig for kjøp, en robust trehjuls lastesykkel som oppfyller alle kravene til Babboe-foreldrene. Begynnelsen på en blomstrende virksomhet!

Etter introduksjonen av Babboe Big fikk de i økende grad spørsmål angående utviklingen av en lastesykkel med elektrisk pedalassistanse og i 2009 lanserte de Babboe Big med elektrisk pedalassistanse.

Modellen ble en så stor suksess at de begynte å utstyre alle lastesykkelmodellene med elektrisk pedalassistanse.


I 2010, etter å ha funnet veien til mange families hjerter ble Babboe City introdusert, en tohjulet lastesykkel. Elegant, smidig og sporty, Babboe City var et velkomment tillegg til sortimentet, akkurat som den første modellen Babboe Curve. I mai 2017 ble Babboe Carve lansert. Den tilbyr det beste fra to verdener: stabiliteten til en trehjuls lastesykkel kombinert med smidigheten til en tohjuls lastesykkel.

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Hvorfor velge Babboe lastesykkel?

  • En fest for barn i både finvær og regnvær.
  • Solide bindinger med høye paneler.
  • Ingen spisse eller skarpe kanter.


Å sykle sammen som familie er alltid gøy. Men når barna fortsatt er små, kan det være vanskelig å finne den rette familiesykkelen. Da er kanskje en lastesykkel er noe for deg og din familie?

Utvikler seg kontinuerlig: Det er forbrukerne som inspirerer Babboe til å forbedre nåværende lastesykler og tilbehør.

Babboe lastesykkel har 5 års garanti på rammen og 2 års garanti på slitasjedeler, som bremser og gir. Ulike garantibetingelser gjelder for alt tilbehør.
Beste forhold mellom pris og kvalitet: Alle Babboe lastesykler er kvalitets testet og SGS/TÜV-sertifisert.
Babboe lastesykler kan kjøpes hos utvalgte sykkelbutikker. Se forhandleroversikt.

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Trygg og stabil fest på hjul!

  • Utvikler seg kontinuerlig.
  • 5 års garanti.
  • Beste forhold mellom pris og kvalitet.

Hver tur på en Babboe lastesykkel for barn er en fest på hjul. I fint vær, men også i regnvær, liker barna å sitte i lastesykkelen og rope «fortere» mens de er godt beskyttet. En stor fordel med en lastesykkel er at barna eller hunden sitter foran deg. Du har alltid barna, hunden din eller varene som skal transporteres trygt i sikte.

Alle Babboe lastesykler er utstyrt med solide binger med høye paneler og selvfølgelig ingen spisse eller skarpe kanter. Hver Babboe lastesykkel er utstyrt med 3-punkts sikkerhetsbelter for barna. Derfor kan de ikke stå opp eller falle ut av bingen mens du sykler. Spesielle lastesykkelseter er tilgjengelig for barn i alle aldre. Alle bevegelige deler av lastesykkelen er utilgjengelig for barn. Babboe lastesykler har to bremsesystemer som kan betjenes uavhengig av hverandre, slik at du kan bremse jevnt og sikkert. Sikkerheten i lastesykkelen for barn er av største betydning for Babboe.

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Bærekraftig og miljøvennlig


Kassene er laget av tre fre europeisk bærekraftig skogsbruk.

Den stilige trekassen er typisk for en Babboe lastesykkel. Kassene er laget av kryssfiner av bøk og bjørk fra europeisk bærekraftig skogbruk. Hele produksjonsprosessen, fra råvaren til det ferdige sluttproduktet, er sertifisert og kontrollert av uavhengige eksperter. Med en Babboe lastesykkel er du bærekraftig på farten. På denne måten gir du allerede et lite bidrag til å beskytte miljøet.

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R Raymon Bikes

  • R Raymon produserer sykler til alle nivå, elsykkelpreferanser og prispunkter.
  • Fra terreng- til bysykkel.


R Raymon har flere ganger demonstrert hvordan den fantastiske opplevelsen av elsykkel kan gjøres tilgjengelig for alle uten å kompromisse. Siden dag en, har Raymon bygd opp en sterk og bred portefølje av ytelsesorienterte elsykkelmodeller for syklister på alle nivå, elsykkelpreferanser og prispunkter.

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Bransjeledende motorsystemer

  • Yamaha
  • Bosch
  • ZF
  • Høy standard og pålitelighet.
  • Bransjeledende ytelse

Raymon benytter ledende motorsystemer, fra Yamaha, Bosch og ZF. Sensorstyrt opplevelse med intuitiv og naturlig assistanse, automatisk eller manuell. Pålitelig, kraftig, ytelsesorienterte komponenter med søkelys på intuitiv bruk og enkel funksjon som ikke står tilbake for noen konkurrenter. Sensorstyrt opplevelse med intuitiv og naturlig assistanse, automatisk eller manuell.

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Alltid i bevegelse

  • Raymon ser alltid fremover og søker å utvikle sine produkter.
  • Ved å alltid søke fremover, vil vi alltid være relevante.

We are brave by conviction.

Spesielt i denne utfordrende økonomiske og globale situasjonen, tror vi på sykkelen. Vi er overbevist om at denne bransjen, dette fantastiske produktet, alltid vil fortsette å utvikle seg og glede flere og flere mennesker. Sykkelen er et stort symbol på frihet, så når, hvis ikke i dag, skal vi tro på den?

We are brave by tradition.

Vi har gått mot strømmen flere ganger og har stått fast i de sterkeste motvindene. Vår familiehistorie går tilbake til Engelbert Wiener, som redesignet sykkelen slik at døtrene hans også kunne nyte sykling. Ved å introdusere elektriske terrengsykler, har vi nådd mange nye kunder. Vi er alltid i bevegelse, og ser på tapperhet som grunnlaget for innovasjon.

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Av syklister - for syklister


Med flere tiårs erfaring å støtte seg på, er Raymon sykler for syklister fra syklister.


R Raymon ble grunnlagt i 2017 av det entreprenørielle paret Felix og Susanne Puello, men har sykkel i blodet. Susanne er oldebarnet til den tyske sykkellegenden Engelbert Wiener, som produserte individuelt sammenstilte sykler i 1921. Gjennom generasjonene ble hans merke, Winora, en av de største suksesshistoriene i den tyske sykkelindustrien.

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The Uncompromising Ride

  • Goal: The uncompromising bike ride.
  • Founded in 2018 Reno, Nevada.

From the very beginning, Brandon Dodd had set ONE clear goal: “The uncompromising ride.” After years of concept design, long meetings with retailers and a constant lack of sleep, Ride Concepts finally launched in the fall of 2018 at the eastern foot of Lake Tahoe in the city of Reno (Nevada), and became mountain biking’s only rider-owned footwear company.


Welcome to the party!

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  • Founder Brandon Dodd wanted to find a quality pair of shoes that would fit his son's small foot.
  • He observed that there were no particularly good cycling shoe alternatives for women and children.
  • Brandon Dodd thought he could make better cycling shoes than what was currently on the market - Ride Concepts was born.

Ride Concepts was established in the year 2018 at the foot of Lake Tahoe by Brandon Dodd as a result of his inability to find a quality shoe that fit the small feet of his 8-year-old son Noah.

While he was waiting in line for the next lift ride up at the bottom of British Columbia’s massive bike park, Brandon realised that there weren’t any particularly good options for women’s feet either. None that had a custom fit for women’s feet, which also included full protection, a sole that provides a tough grip on the pedals, an EVA sole that absorbs shock as well as it provides good support and a fully sewn tongue that keeps dirt, mud, and peoples out.

In conclusion, he thought about all the shoes he has used until they delaminated or fell apart - He believed that this could be done significantly better. This was the birth of the brand Ride Concepts, which offers quality shoes with their own fit for men, women, and children. They offer designs for both clip- and clip-less pedals which can be used in bike parks, mountain biking, or simply for commuting to-and-from work.

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  • Goal: To make the most comfortable and reliable cycling shoes.
  • Precise fit.
  • Outstanding pedal contact.
  • Great protection.

Our mission is to create the most comfortable and most reliable mountain bike footwear on the planet. For the rider, this means a precision fit, unparalleled pedal contact and unmatched protection—leaving you to focus on the shred ahead rather than the gear below.

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Drysure Active Shoe/Extreme Boot Dryer


• 12x faster than air drying

• Reduces bad smells

• Reusable for many years

• No need for heath or electricity



Drysure is made of silicon oxide balls encapsulated in a sock combined with a strategic Veroni perforated outer shell that makes it easy to enter the boot/footwear. It reaches all the way to the tip of the toe - which in turn provides optimal airflow through the entire footwear. This provided optimal conditions for efficient drying. Before and after use, DRYSURE must be stored in an airtight plastic bag that comes with the product to keep moisture out. You don’t have to put them in the bag after use, you can also just move them from one piece of footwear you have dried to the new piece of footwear that has been used recently and is damp.

Drysure User Manual

  1. You do not need to activate drysure products before use. After you have been active you simply put them in your footwear.
  2. When you have finished using Drysure, place them back in the PCV bag so that they won’t absorb the moisture in the air. You do not need to turn them on or off.
  3. Give them some heat if you have access to a radiator.
  4. Follow the instructions below to learn how to reactivate Drysure when they become less effective at drying.

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How Does It Work?



Drysure Active fits all footwear with normal ankle height such as running shoes, soccer shoes, cycling shoes, golf shoes, low ski boots, everyday shoes, leisure shoes, etc.


Drysure extreme is suitable for alpine boots, snowboard boots, rubber boots, hunting boots, tall ski boots, etc.



  • PEMBREE has 2 goals; to design durable mountain bike components with amazing properties and to challenge the bike industry to be more sustainable.
  • The bike components are handmade and built in England.
  • Carbon neutral.

A design focused mountain bike component brand. Responsibly made in the UK.

PEMBREE launched with the R1V flat pedal which was named after the small village of Rivington in the West Pennine Moors. Rivington hosted the Commonwealth Games MTB event in 2002 and is famous for its tower that can be seen on the horizon from miles away. At over 350m above sea level it offers great MTB trails and spectacular views. The R1V pedal aimed to be the benchmark in sustainably produced performance components in the MTB market.  

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  • 100% carbon balanced.
  • The products are easy to recycle.
  • The goal is to become a Global leader in ethical, sustainable production.

Designed from the ground up with the environment in mind, every component we produce is 100% carbon balanced, including delivery.

Our goal is to become a global leader in ethical, transparent and ecologically sustainable manufacturing within the mountain bike industry. Our products are designed and manufactured in our own solar/wind powered factory in East Sussex, England using only recyclable materials.


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  • Self-produced bike components such as pedals, stem and seat post clamps.
  • Tough products created with longevity in mind.
  • 5 year guaranty on all product.



  • 100% Vanntett
  • 100% Vindtett


Teknisk avanserte pustende og vanntette produkter med unik komfort.
Produktene har egenskaper som effektivt beskytter mot kulde og vann, og heller gir en tørr og varm opplevelse. De er 100 % vanntette, 100 % vindtette og har gode pusteegenskaper i tillegg til å være slitesterke. Må prøves – dette kan ikke sammenliknes med andre vanntette produkter.

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Hva skiller Dexshell fra konkurrentene?

Sammen med vår bruk av avanserte materialer, ligger svaret i de vanntette teknologiene vi bruker når vi designer og produserer produktene våre.

Les mer om teknologien her.


  • Lidenskap for innovasjon
  • Passer til formålet
  • Snill av natur
  • Stol på at de leverer

Les mer om Dexshell sin etos her.


  • porelle® membranes.
  • repreve®  recycles yarns.
  • primaloft®  insulation.
  • merino®  whool.
  • coolmax®  yarns.
  • direlease®  technology.

Les mer om materialene some Dexshell bruker her.


Faction Skis

  • High quality skis
  • By Skiers, artists, film-makers, engineers, partners, dreamers and doers.
  • Founded in Switzerland

Faction makes high-quality skis that are progressive in their construction as well as in their use in freeride, freestyle and all-mountain skiing.  Some of the best athletes in the world inform our product journey. We capture their stories to inspire fans with exciting content.

Faction exsist out of a group of independent skiers, artists, film-makers, engineers, partners, dreamers and doers that is so much more than the sum of its parts. They are united by a love for the mountains and the world’s finest tools of escape. 

It started as a small rebellion. They were outcasts — an eclectic bunch of passionate skiers prototyping new ideas in the epic Alpine playground of Verbier, Switzerland. Snowboarding had unleashed the wildness of surf and skate culture into the mountains, while their beloved Alpine skiing was dominated by big brands that had lost touch with their fans, caught up in racing to the bottom and high-volume production.

The Faction Collective emerged as a creative force along with a handful of brands bringing the passionate innovation of freedom to skiing.

We are The Faction Collective.

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Brand Values

  • B Corp – 93,5 Points
  • Anually calculated footprint
  • 100% renewable energy factory
  • Recycled materials
  • Locally sourced quality material
  • Bio based resin
  • Sustainable wood core

Faction is officially a Certified B Corporation, joining a collective of future-thinking, impact-driven brands who meet high standards for social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.

They believe that quality is sustainability, which is why we strive to create durable products composed of materials that they source locally to their factories—avoiding significant transport emissions. It’s why they use material scraps from their skis and repurpose them so that they find their way back into their production. It’s why they harvest sustainable wood cores and use bio-resins. It’s why they produce their skis in a 100% renewable energy factory in Austria, cutting the carbon emissions of each ski by over 50%.


Read more about Faction's values.

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The Pro Collective

  • Ski Instructors
  • Mountain Guides
  • Resort Patrollers
  • Team/Club Coaches
  • Search & Rescue
  • Outdoor Industry Professionals

The Pro Collective is more than just a discount club. It is a tight-knit community of mountain and outdoor industry professionals who rely on our premium products to excel in their line of work, day-in and day-out — whether they’re instructing, patrolling, or guiding. TPC members are proud to fly the Faction flag. They recommend Faction as their brand of choice to their pro peers, to clients and by extension to fans, thus strengthening the entire eco-system of The Faction Collective.

To be eligible to join The Pro Collective, you must actively be working in one of the following roles:

Ski Instructors
Mountain Guides
Resort Patrollers
Team/Club Coaches
Search & Rescue
Outdoor Industry Professionals


Sign up for the Pro Collective here

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Pioneer in Freeskiing


Skiing is not art, and skiers are not artists. Unless, of course, skiing is art and skiers are artists

Faction's fourth feature film exhibits pure creativity through a series of freeski sequences from the vibrant streets of Japan, to the powdery pillows of British Columbia, to the finely-manicured terrain parks of Switzerland and Italy. Each location provides a blank canvas for the team’s artistic expression. Because nothing screams “artist” like sending large cliffs and grinding the side of buildings.

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Phaenom – Sustainable Ski Boots


Phaenom has taken a leading position in the market because they dare to think differently. From the very beginning, the brand has been dedicated to creating alpine boots that combine top performance with eco-friendly production. By choosing Phaenom, you're not just selecting an alpine boot and a brand, but also a philosophy of sustainability and quality in every step of the process. Their commitment to circular production and recycled materials makes Phaenom the natural choice for those seeking the best for both themselves and the environment. This makes Phaenom an indispensable part of the market for the Nordic alpine enthusiast.

Performance and Sustainability

  • Expression and Functionality
  • Sustainability in Focus
  • Circular Mindset

Expression and Functionality: Phaenom takes alpine boots to a new level with its unique combination of modern design and cutting-edge technology. These are alpine boots that not only look great – they deliver top-tier performance.

Sustainability in Focus: Phaenom is more than just alpine boots. The brand is committed to combining high performance with sustainable materials. With up to 30% recycled content in each boot, Phaenom proves that it’s possible to care for both nature and performance on the slopes.

Circular Mindset: Built to last! Every component of Phaenom's alpine boots can be repaired, replaced, or recycled, giving the product a long lifespan and making it a smart and responsible choice for both skiers and the environment.

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Versatility & Technology

  • Versatility on Terrain: Optimal comfort and control both on the slopes and during ascents.
  • Innovative Technology: Flexibility and shock absorption provide a unique experience.
  • Sustainable Design: Up to 30% recycled TPU and PFAS-free DWR treatment.
  • Long Lifespan: Replaceable components extend the boot’s durability.
  • Eco-friendly Choice: Combines toughness against the elements with care for the environment.

Phaenom is your versatile partner in Nordic terrain. With innovative technology, Phaenom boots provide optimal comfort and control in the mountains, both on the slopes and during ascents. The boots combine flexibility with shock absorption, delivering versatility that must be experienced.

As a sustainable choice, Phaenom boots are tough against the elements yet gentle on the environment. With up to 30% recycled TPU and PFAS-free DWR treatment, they offer an eco-friendly product without compromising on quality or performance.

To extend their lifespan, all parts of the boots are screwed and easily replaceable in case of wear or damage, providing greater value and a better environmental impact.

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All-black On Purpose


More than just a stylish look – the all-black design supports the reuse and repair of the boots and their components. Every element of this product – from panels to buckles, straps, and screws – is designed to be repairable and recyclable. This ensures a longer lifespan for your boots, as well as circularity when the product reaches the end of its life cycle.

1 - Strap
Made from a single recyclable material.

2 - Shell
The shell is made with 15% - 30% recycled TPU.

3 - Buckles
Crafted from 100% recycled aluminum.

4 - Shell Components
The three shell components are held together solely by screws. No part is riveted to another, making the boots easy to repair, disassemble, and recycle at the end of their lifespan. The shell is manufactured in Italy.

5 - DWR Treatment
PFAS-free DWR treatment on the exterior of the inner lining.

6 - Inner Foam
The foam is recycled, and the fabrics contain at least 50% recycled content.

7 - Inner Fabric & Laces
Made from 100% recycled materials.

8 - Lenz Insole
30% recycled EVA.

9 - Inner Liner Sole
Made from 50% bio-based EVA.

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